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課程時長:2 天





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3小時,如何透視供應商成本結構Analyze supplier’s cost structure
采購成本結構是怎樣的How about purchasing cost structure
供應商的成本結構是怎樣的How about supplier cost structure
不同行業的供應商成本結構是怎樣的How about different industry of suppliercost structure
制造業供應商成本結構The cost structure of manufacture supplier
服務貿易業供應商成本結構The cost structure of service tradesupplier
如何通過Cost breakdown 了解供應商成本結構How to use cost breakdown to understand the suppliercost structure
1.5小時,如何根據成本分類對成本進行管理How to use cost classification todo the cost management
按照公司活動的成本分類——制造成本、銷售費及一般管理費The cost classification according to the businessactivities – manufacture cost, sales expenditure and normal management fee
按照成本形態進行的成本分類——材料費、人工費、期間費用According to the type of cost to do the costclassificationmaterial fee, artificial fee, period fee
按照與產品關系的分類——直接費用、間接費用According to the products relationship todo the cost classificationdirect fee, indirect fee
按照與工作量的關系進行分類——固定成本、變動成本According to the relationships of workingquantities to do the cost classificationfix cost, available cost
按照與管理責任分類——可管理成本、不可管理成本According to the responsible of managementto do the cost classificationcan management cost, cannot management cost
為什么有些成本不能計入成本——非成本項目Why some other cost which can not beincluded in cost—non-cost item
1.5小時,如何核算供應商的成本How to account for the suppliercost
如何事先核算供應商成本How to prepare to account the supplier cost
估計成本計算的流程Estimate cost calculation process
直接費用、間接費用與材料費、加工費之間的關系Direct fee, indirect fee and material fee
確定成本的方法Identify the approach of cost
如何通過成本和消耗量計算材料費How to use cost and consumption volume to calculatethe material fee
如何通過加工費率和時間計算加工費How to calculate the processing cost by therate of processing cost and time
價格的詳細項目和計算方法The calculation approach and detail item ofprice
如何制作一個成本報表How to make the cost statement

1.5小時,供應商是如何報價的The supplier how to make thequote
成本加成定價法 Costplus pricing
4種加成方式4types of plus cost method
TCO總成本法Total cost ownership method
價值定價法Value pricing method
市場結構定價法Market structure pricing method
4種市場結構如何定價 How to pricing with 4types of market structure
1.5小時,如何評估供應商的報價How to evaluate supplierquotation
供應商的報價是真實數據嗎Does the real data from supplier offer?
怎樣剔除供應商報價的水分How to eliminate the false in the quotationfrom supplier
盈虧平衡分析The breakeven analysis
標準成本法The standard cost method
預期成本與事后成本 Forecast cost and afterwards cost
如何處理成本分攤How to treat cost apportionment
如何進行折舊How to do depreciation
ABC作業成本法ABC working cost method
學習曲線Learning curve
1.5小時,如何根據報價進行采購決策How to according quotation to dothe purchasing decision
如何使用價格分析分析價格分析方法How to use price analysis to analyze theprice method
競爭性方案The competitive scheme
與公布價格的比較The comparison between the released price
歷史對比The historical comparison
內部成本估算-細節分析Internalcost estimatedetail analyze
如何使用盈虧平衡分析How to use breakeven to analysis
如何使用敏感度分析How to use sensitivity analysis
如何使用目標成本分析How to use target cost analysis
如何使用VA/VE分析How touse VA/VE analysis
如何使用數量折扣分析How to use quantity discount
如何使用付款與價格條款分析How to use payment and price term analysis
1小時,如何與供應商定價規避價格風險How to avoid the price risk fromsupplier pricing
固定價格法Firm fixed price
變動價格法Valuable price
價格指數法 Price index method
公式法Formula method
市場投機法Market speculation method
市場聯動法Market linkage method
合同中的價格條款The contract price terms
固定價與總價合同 Fixed price and price contract
單價合同Unit price contract
成本加酬金合同Cost plus commission contract
計量估價合同The measurement appraisal of the contract
供應鏈管理The supply-chain management
0.5小時,基于不同定價模式的購買策略The different pricing model basedon the purchase of the strategy
即期購買Sight to buy
超前購買Advance purchase
產品生命周期與成本管理Product life cycle and cost management
戰略供應商購買策略Strategic supplier buying strategy
杠桿供應商購買策略Leverage supplier buying strategy
瓶頸供應商購買策略Bottleneck supplier buying strategy
一般供應商購買策略 General suppliers buying strategy
終極購買策略:競爭三角形The ultimate buying strategy: competition triangle
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