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課程時長:2 天





  • 講師介紹
  • 選擇同類課

企    業: 1,養成高素質和具競爭力的企業內部培訓師團隊,確保公司的培訓體系有效實施
Enterprise:   Building up enterprise-internal trainer team with high quality and competitiveness to assure the effective implementation of company’s  training system
    Building up learning organization to enhance company’s profitcompetence, competitiveness and development capacity    
受訓員工: 1,養成專業的職業培訓師所需的勝任力,提升個人績效和促進個人職業發展
Trainee:      Building up the competence needed by professional trainers, improving self performance and promoting self career development    

(學員經實際工作模擬測試合格后,獲頒發相應級別《培訓師專業技能發展勝任力訓練》證書 《TTT-KCI》)
培 訓 收 益
Training Benefits
企 業: 1,養成高素質和具競爭力的企業內部培訓師團隊,確保公司的培訓體系有效實施
Enterprise: Building up enterprise-internal trainer team with high quality and competitiveness to assure the effective implementation of company’s training system
Building up learning organization to enhance company’s profitcompetence, competitiveness and development capacity
受訓員工: 1,養成專業的職業培訓師所需的勝任力,提升個人績效和促進個人職業發展
Trainee: Building up the competence needed by professional trainers, improving self performance and promoting self career development
TTT-KCI課程特色Features of TTT-KCI Course TTT,英文短語Training the Trainer to Train的縮寫,意為培訓培訓師。一般情況下,它是通用企業管理培訓領域的職業培訓師、企業內訓師的職業技能和職業素質訓練課程,有時特指在某個專業領域內的專業技能培訓師的培訓技能訓練課程。
— 培訓師角色認知   
— 課程開發和講義設計
— 課堂講授
— 培訓評估
TTT is short for the English phrase “training the trainer to train”, meaning training trainer. It
is a professional skill and occupational quality training course of professional trainer and internal trainer of enterprise in the field of enterprise management training in general. Sometimes, it stands for skills training course of professional skills trainer in some professional fields.
In general, TTT training includes the following aspect:
Reorganization of trainer roles
Course development and handout design
Class coaching
Training evaluation
隨著國際、國內環境及商業環境的不斷變化,及企業培訓與發展體系要求的變化,學習型組織的不斷增多,培訓師的角色和職能以及培訓師的自我職業發展需求也在不斷發生變化!才博咨詢集團在首席顧問師和培問師陳建志導師帶領下,由才博咨詢集團專業培訓師與顧問師經過10多年的實踐應用,以不同級別培訓師勝任力為基礎,建立了一套基于培訓師能力結構模型開發的企業內部培訓師技能保障訓練體系(TTT-KCI)—Training the trainer to Train-Key Competence Indicator)(第3版)。
With the continuous change of international, domestic and business environment, and the change of requirements for enterprise’s training and development system, learning organization are increasing more and more, meanwhile, the role and the function of trainers as well as the requirements for trainers’ career development are continuously changing. Goodcareer, under the leadership of the chief consultant and trainer-Depew Chen, according to more than 10 years practical application of the professional trainers and consultants of Goodcareer Consulting Group , establishes-TTT-KCI- a supporting training system based on the trainers’ competence structure model with the foundation of different levels trainers’ competence.
訓練方法與技術Features of TTT-KCI Course 以各級培訓師勝任力要求為訓練目標,主要應用的訓練技術包括但不限于:行為示范、錄像對比、專題競賽、課堂演練、現場講授、小組演練、案例研討、角色扮演、工作模擬、技能測評與點評和課后實踐性練習等。
All-levels trainers’ competence requirement as the Training goal, the main applied training technology more than: behavior modeling, video contrast, special contest, practice in class, lecturing on-site, practicing by group, case study, role-playing, job sampling, skills testing and reviewing and practical practice after class and so on.
培訓時間Training Time 初級4天、中級4天、高級4天;共12天
4days for TTT-KCIb, 4days for TTT-KCIm, 4days for TTT-KCIh; 12 days in total
培訓地點 training location Goodcareer才博全球人力資源管理專家培訓中心(公開課),或企業內部培訓室(企業內訓)
Goodcareer human resources management experts Training Center(external training), or internal training room(internal training) in enterprise
培訓日期 Training Date 內訓時間按企業要求而定
Internal training date determined by company
培訓費用Training Costs 企業內訓:人民幣20,000元/班.1天;公開課:人民幣1,800元/人.1天。含訓練導師開發的培訓教材1套和培訓費。
Enterprise-internal training: RMB20, 000 Yuan per class for 1 day; external training: RMB1, 800 Yuan per person for 1 day, including training fee and training
適合人員Training Targets — 通用企業管理培訓領域的職業培訓師
Professional trainers in the field of enterprise management training
— 企業內部專職培訓講師
Enterprise-internal full-time trainers
— 專業培訓機構的管理人員和培訓課程負責人
Managers of professional training institution and person in charge of training course
— 企業內部培訓體系規劃、內訓師管理和內訓課程開發人員
Personnel of planning Enterprise-internal training system, managing internal trainers and developing internal courses
— 企業內部的HR經理、培訓主管
Enterprise-internal HR managers and training supervisor
— 以兼職培訓師身份參與企業內部培訓的企業中層干部、業務骨干
Middle-level cadres and business elites of enterprise participating in enterprise-internal training as part-time trainers
— 企業內部各級管理人員
Internal managers at all levels in enterprise
Course Modules
4 days, 28 hours 模塊一:培訓概述 (3.5小時)
Module 1: training overview(3.5 hours)
模塊二:培訓項目的開發與實施 (7小時)
Module 2:development and implementation of training projects(7 hours)
Module 3: speech communicating arts(7 hours)
Module 4: evaluation of training effect(3.5 hours)
Module 5: competence of making PPT(3.5 hours)
Module 6: subject addressing and evaluating (3.5 hours)
課程模塊Course modules
4 days, 28 hours 模塊一:培訓與培訓心理學基礎(3.5小時)
Module 1: basis of training and training psychology(3.5 hours)
Module 2: development and implementation of professional course(7 hours)
Module 3: training methods and technology(7 hours)
Module 4: training needs and training objectives(3.5 hours)
Module 5: writing and applying training materials(3.5 hours)
Module 6: subject training and evaluation (3.5 hours)
Course modules
4 days, 28 hours 模塊一:培訓理論(3.5小時)
Module 1: training theories(3.5 hours)
Module 2: training system and training resource management in enterprise(3 hours)
模塊三:培訓課程專業訓練技能 (3.5小時)
Module 3: training course professionally training skills(3.5 hours)
模塊四:技能培訓課程DACUM(Developing a Curriculum)的開發與能力課程CBET(Competency based Education and Training)開發(7小時)
Module 4: developing DACUM for skills training and developing CBET course for competence
Module 5: trainer professionally develops(3.5 hours)
Module 6: professional subject addressing and evaluating
學員福利student’s welfare 1. 獲頒發由才博訓練導師簽名的相應級別的《培訓師專業技能發展勝任力訓練》證書 《TTT-KCI》
Obtaining the corresponding level certificate of TTT-KCI signed by coodcareer’s training coacher
2. 成為Goodcareer 終身會員,享受會員的“十大收益”(詳情請登閱本公司網站)
Becoming Goodcareer lifelong member and enjoy the “10 Benefits”(Please visit our website to get the details)
3. 免費成為本公司<<HR Party>>會員
Becoming member of Goodcareer HR Party freely
4. 9折參加Goodcareer年度《人力資源管理論壇》
Getting 10% discount for Goodcareer annual Human Resources Management Forum
Training course arrangement
(初級)TTTB 第一天the first day、第二天the second day
3.5小時 3.5 hours 7小時 7 hours
Module 1: training overview
Opening speech
Training overview
Definition of training
What is training
The relation between training and related activities
 培訓與人力資源開發
Training and HR development
 培訓與教育
Training and education
Training department and trainer’s responsibility
Sharing experience: training and self-development
Training department’s responsibilities
Trainer’s responsibilities
Competence which trainers should possess
Action practice: trainer’ s quality
Case study: manager and trainer
Testing and evaluating training results
Job sampling and practice
Applied practice
—Q&A 模塊二:培訓項目的開發與實施
Module 2:development and implementation of training projects
Case study: who should be responsible for ineffective training
Self-evaluation testing: my competence of developing training project
Confirming training needs
Concept of training needs
Confirming the importance of training needs
source of the needs information
Common tools for needs survey
 問卷調查法(設計需求調查問卷)
Questionnaire method(designing needs questionnaire)
 訪談法(設計訪談提綱)
Interview method(designing outline of interview )
 觀察法
Observation method
Confirmation and important notice of needs
Sharing experience: needs survey of quality training
Developing and implementing training projects
Drawing up training plans
 要點
Key points
 注意事項
Importance notice
Selecting and writing learning content
 選編原則
Principles of selecting and writing
 內容來源
Content source
Empirical practice: developing course of effective communicating arts and skills
Technology of making multimedia courseware
Marketing of training projects
Management process of training class
Testing and evaluating training effect 1
Practice: preparing checking list for opening training class
Job sampling: interview form and interview
Practical practice1: observation
Action model2: key points of course
Practical practice3: what can I do?
Testing and evaluating training
After-school Practice : application
Promoting practice
Action after class: action plan and trace
第二天the second day、第三天the third day
7小時 7 hours 3.5小時 3.5 hours
Module 3: speech communicating arts
Watching video
Testing self-speech competence
Trainer’s speech arts
Grooming requirements for training presenter
Pronunciation training for training presenter
Basic requirements of speech
Methods of questioning
Methods for course opening and conclusion
Action model: addressing arts
Trainer’s communicating arts
Classification of student’s and disposing arts and skills
Student’s incentive arts and skills
Disposing and controlling class
Trainer’s style type
Results testing: student’s communicating competence
Action testing: how to improve self addressing and communicating arts
Role-playing: if I were the teacher
Case study: Zhang Chenggong’s address
Role-playing: I am the audience
Video contrast
Results testing and evaluating
Enhancing thinking and discussing: practical and applied problems
Designated topic practice
Practical action plan: effectively know and control your stress
—Q&A 模塊四:培訓效果的評估
Module 4: evaluation of training effect
Case study: coacher Ma’s training effect evaluation
Training effect evaluating
Objectives of evaluation
Principles of evaluation
Four-level evaluation models and tools
Reactivity evaluation
Learning results evaluation
Application evaluation
Performance evaluation
Evaluation and analysis of training effect
Design of evaluation form of trainer’s training effect
Analysis report on the evaluation results of trainer’s training effect
Results testing
Action testing: improving self-training competence
role-playing: time management
Empirical practice: design of evaluation form
Role-playing: my evaluation
Results testing and evaluating
Strengthening practice: how to evaluate this training
Practical action plan: training evaluation process
第四天 the fourth day
3.5小時3.5 hours 3.5小時 3.5hours
Module 5: competence of making PPT
Watching video
Self-testing : my competence of making PPT
Arts and skills of making PPT
Job sampling: making and guiding course PPT
Empirical practice 1: source material and training objective
Empirical practice 2: display of source material
Empirical practice 3: arts and skills of displaying PPT
Action displaying: my PPT
Summary and evaluation
After-school practice
Enhancing after-school training arrangement
Practical action: planning you PPT
—Q&A 模塊六:主題演講與評價
Module 6: subject addressing and evaluating
Watching video and reviewing
Self-testing: my professional address level
Trainer’s behavior showing as a model
Practical action plan: successful addressing arts and skills
Job sampling: group address and evaluation
Role-playing: trainers and trainees
Empirical practice: designing the group’s subject and addressing
Video contrast
Summary, evaluation and improvement
Enhancing after-school training arrangement
Practical action: my improvement and action
training course arrangement
(中級)TTTM 第一天the first day、第二天 the second day
3.5小時 3.5 hours 7小時 7 hours
Module 1: basis of training and training psychology
Watching video
The mechanism of adult learning
Conception of learning
Physiology basis of brain for learning
Process of learning
Features of adult learning
Style of adult learning
Question discussing: your evaluation
The inspiration of learning theory to training
Learning theory of behaviorism
Learning theory of cognitivism
Theory of humanism
Learning theory of experience
Case study: effectiveness of training methods
Learning results testing
Question discussing: adult learning and students at school
Arts and skills training 1: behavior training
Arts and skills training 2: cognition training
Arts and skills training 3: experience learning
Training results testing
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
—Q&A 模塊二:專業課程的開發與實施
Module 2: development and implementation of professional course
Case study: a lesson of coacher Zhang
Self-testing: my skills of developing professional course
The types of professional course
Process of developing professional course
Sharing practical experience: courses developed by coacher Chen
Practical practice by group: effective communicating arts and skills
Learning results testing
Job sampling: process of implementing professional course
Experience showing as a model: checking list for implementing professional course
Arts and skills training: SWOT analysis
Arts and skills training 2: framework of course and training skills
Video contrast
Training results testing
Practice by group after class
Self job sampling after class
Practical action plan
第二天 the second day、第三天 the third day
7小時 7 hours 3.5小時 3.5 hours
Module 3: training methods and technology(7 hours)
Watching video
Self-training skills testing
Training methods
Characteristics and application of address
Characteristics and application of case study
Characteristics and application of behavior modeling
Characteristics and application of discussion by group
Characteristics and application of playing games
Characteristics and application of outward-bound
Characteristics and application of various technological training methods(simulation method, on-the-job training, master teaches apprentice and so on)
Principles of selecting from various learning methods
Methods of teaching with practicality, simulation with proficiently applying skills teaching, on-the-job training, situational teaching and so on.
Trainer’s behavior showing as a model
Modern training skills
Methods of making multimedia courseware
Common knowledge of using multimedia training equipment
Combining various vocational skills training methods and advanced supporting equipment for training to improve the training effect of vocational skills
Supporting software which is widely used mow in Vocational sills training
Combining the practicality of skills training to develop situational training courseware of vocational skills
Video contrast
Special contest: games design
Testing learning results and reviewing
Job sampling: behavior showing as a model
Arts and skills 1: competition of case design
Arts and skills training 2: competence of combining training technology
Training results testing
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
—Q&A 模塊四:培訓需求與培訓目標
Module 4: training needs and training objectives(3.5 hours)
Case study: training needs and training opportunity
Self-skills testing: do you understand subordinates’ training needs
Confirming training needs
Meaning of training
Physiology basis of brain for training
Characteristics of adult training
Practice of analyzing training needs: staff’s learning motivation
Methods of analyzing enterprise’s training needs
Surveying and analyzing training needs from three levels
The level of enterprise
The level of enterprise
The level of staff
Training needs’ diagnose and analysis
Setting up training objectives
Design of training objectives
Meaning and function of training objectives
Types of training objectives
Requirement of training objectives
Experience showing as a model: designing framework form for training objectives
Testing learning results and reviewing
Job sampling: if I were the internal trainer of this company
Arts and skills training 1: Staff Training Incentive
Arts and skills 2: analyzing training needs from staff’s performance result
Testing training results
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
第四天 the fourth day
3.5小時 3.5 hours 3.5小時 3.5 hours
Module 5: writing and applying training materials(3.5 hours)
Self-skills testing: my competence of writing training course
Writing materials of training course
Writing outline of training course
Writing class hour plan
Writing training manual
Model: outline of coacher Ma’s training course
Testing learning results and reviewing
Skills training 1: methods of collecting training materials
Skills training 2: collation of training materials
Skills training : practice of writing training outline
Testing the training results
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
—Q&A 模塊六:主題培訓與評價
Module 6: subject training and evaluation (3.5 hours)
— 專業培訓錄像觀摩與點評
Watching professional training video and commenting on it
Self-testing: the level of my professional subject teaching
Trainer’s behavior showing as a model
Practical action plan: application of successful training skills
Job sampling: group subject training practice and evaluation
Role-playing: training methods and training effects
Empirical practice: collective and individual composition
Summary, evaluation and improvement
Enhancing training arrangement after class
Practical action: practice for successful trainer
training course arrangement
(高級)TTTH 第一天 the first day
3.5小時 3.5 hours 3.5小時 3.5 hours
Module 1: training theories(3.5 hours)

Case study: learning organization and lifelong learning
Self-status testing:
Human capital theory
Basic viewpoints of human capital theory
Human capital and training investment
Human resources management theory
Function of enterprise HR management
Main contents of HR management
Relation between HR management and training
Lifelong learning theory
Social trend of lifelong learning
Important viewpoints of lifelong learning
Lifelong learning and training
Learning results testing and reviewing
Behavior sampling: becoming a fruitful learning facilitator
Example training 1: learning and training plan
Sharing experience: annual training plan
Skills training 2: analysis of return on training investment
Training results testing
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
—Q&A 模塊二:企業的培訓體系與培訓資源管理
Module 2: training system and training resource management in enterprise(3 hours)
Special contest: application of training resource
Self-status testing: my understanding of the status of training system
Training system and policy in enterprise
Classified by training targets
Classified by training contents
Classified by training forms
Formation of organizational internal and social training system
Multimedia remote training system
Development of modern multimedia distance education
—E-learning 的特點
Features of E-learning
Models of training development and implementation
Systematic training model
Competence-based training model
Use of training expenditure
Relevant regulations of use of expenditure
Common training expenditure project and the budget
Sharing experience: training system for business partner
Management of training venues and equipment
Brief introduction to modern training facility and equipment
Use and maintenance of common training equipment
Use and maintenance of ordinary overhead projector
Connection and use of audio/ computer and other electronic equipment
Connection, use and maintenance
Behavior showing as a model: use of equipment
Special contest: overall training arrangement
Providing training advisory
Theories of modern training consulting
Methods of modern training consulting
Learning results testing and reviewing
Behavior sampling: arrangement for training period
Example training 1:design checking list for training
Skills training 2: E-learning
Training results testing
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
第二天 the second day、第三天 the third day
3.5小時 3.5 hours 7小時 seven hours
Module 3: training course professionally training skills(3.5 hours)
Watching video
Self-status testing: 5 minutes’ role-playing
Review and improvement
Practice by group:
Role-playing: training practice
Learning results testing and reviewing
Behavior sampling: becoming an excellent conflict solver
Example training 1: inventory of professional skills in training
Role-playing: the most excellent training skills of mine
Skills training 2: personalized summary
Summative evaluation
Video contrast
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
—Q&A 模塊四:技能培訓課程的DACUM(Developing a Curriculum) 開發與能力課程CBET(Competency based Education and Training) 開發
Module 4: developing DACUM for skills training and developing CBET course for competence
Case study: course for competence to course for skills
Self-status testing: my skills of developing training course
Developing DACUM for skills training
Theories and methods of developing DACUM for skills training
Theory of competence-based CBET, course developing and training design
Independently presiding the development of DACUM course for skills training
Watching video: competence of skills training
Learning results testing and reviewing
Example training 1: developing DACUM course
Skills training 2: developing CBET course
Training results testing
After-school problem practicing and testing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
第三天 the third day、第四天 the fourth day
3.5小時 3.5 hours 7小時 7 hours
Module 5: trainer professionally develops(3.5 hours)
Self-status testing: career aspiration
Career development of self
Basis of career planning
Questionnaire of career planning
Suggestions for career planning of self
Trainer’s role and the requirement for trainer’s competence
Lecturer’s and Trainer’s roles and development(learning facilitator, supporter and helper)
Lecturer’s and trainer’s professional competence requirement and its development
Professional organization in training field
Professional organization recognized at home and abroad
Certificate of trainer profession qualification
Sources of professional information in training
Professional books on training
Professional journals on training
Common professional websites on training
Learning results testing and reviewing
Behavior sampling: becoming an excellent trainer
Example training 1:
Skills training 2: requirement of professional competence for trainer
Summative evaluation
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Watching video
Practical action plan: how to become a professional trainer
—Q&A 模塊六:專業主題演講與評價
Module 6: professional subject addressing and evaluating
Displaying of personalized subject training
Review and improvement
Personal SWOT analysis
Features of personalized training
Features developed by personalized training technology
— 專業培訓錄像觀摩與點評
Watching professional training video and reviewing
coacher’s summative model
Practical action plan: developing arts and skills of personalized training
Job sampling: practicing arts and skills of humanized training
Empirical practice: setting up group subject personalized training
Summary, evaluation and improvement
Enhancing training arrangement after class
Practical action: practicing successful trainer
Graduation video
Graduation forum: avenue to stars for trainers
首席培訓導師簡介Brief introduction to chief training coacher 陳建志導師(Depew Chen):資深實戰型戰略實施咨詢、人力資源管理咨詢和培訓專家;人力資源碩士、心理學博士。20多年大型外資、合資、國營和民營企業人力資源高層管理職位工作經歷。曾任亞加達國際商務教育培訓中心人力資源培訓導師。現任新世紀人力資源管理學會會長;知名培訓品牌:密斯根:外資合資企業HR經理/總監勝任力特訓營首席設計師和首席培訓導師;美國認證協會(ACI)授權導師,美國ACI:國際職業資格注冊HR經理、執行官認認證廣州區首席培訓導師;GEPMS(全球企業績效電子管理系統)首席設計師和顧問師;才博咨詢集團戰略和人力資源首席顧問。
Depew Chen, senior strength strategy implementation consult, HR management consulting and training expert; Master of HR, Doctor of Psychology. 20 years of working experience as HRD or above in large-scale foreign, joint ventures, state-owned and private enterprises. Mr. Chen has been the HR training coacher of Alcanta International Business Education Training Center. Currently, he is the President of New Century HR Management Association(pure academic non-profit professional Organization); Chief designer and chief training tutor of the well-known training brand—Goodcareer-Michigan: CPM-HR Training Series; Authorized coacher of American Certification Institution (ACI); Senior training coacher of International Professional Qualification Registered HR Management Series Certification issued by American Certification Institution (ACI)in Guangzhou area; Chief designer and consultant of GEPMS(Global Electronic Performance Management System); Chief strategy and HR consultant of Goodcareer Consulting Group.
Depew Chen has been kept focusing on human resources management theory research for a long term. By combining 20 years of human resources management experience with international modern human resources management theory, Mr. Chen has established strength HR management training courses series with HR management competence as training goal. He has been a well-known strength strategy implementation expert、HR management expert、HR training expert, HR project service expert and leading HR issue researcher. The strength HR training courses are: CPM—HR series (external training series) designed according to competence structure of HR management manager level or above—a total of 8- level series training courses and 128 professional modules. PHR series(external training series) designed according to HR management expert-level competence structure —4-level series of training courses, a total of 24 professional modules; MHR series(internal training series);Non-HR Managers’ HR management competence training courses— a total of four-level and 26 modules in accordance with enterprise middle and high-level management person competence structural design.
想了解更多由陳導師主導設計的實戰型人力資源管理勝任力培訓課程模塊(共3千多個)或下載部份課程模塊請與陳導師聯系。到目前為止,陳建志導師在全國已開辦了人力資源管理勝任力系列訓練班470多期;現已接受了陳導師培訓的學員來自:友邦、德士活、漢高、中美史克、用友、亨氏集團、頂新控股、中國電信、依利安達、聯泰集團、溢達集團、天安保險、柯尼卡、正大康地、震雄集團、奧林巴斯、麥當勞、永大光通信、易初蓮花超市、保世高、海信集團、廣東環球寬帶、廣日電梯、得煌科技……等二千多家企業,全國培育和發展了三千多名人力資源主管/經理/總監級或以上職位的人力資源管理專才。100%的學員在短期內實現有個人職業的突破性發展;其中35%的學員已進入了大型外資企業和國內外500強企業,月薪為人8000—25000元(如要索取學員聯系電話請與陳導師聯系)。 在新的一年陳導師將會更廣泛地專注于培育和發展更多實戰型人力資源管理專家的工作,造就更多具備月薪10000元至30000元能力的人力資源管理白領/金領一族……
To know more strength HR management competence training course modules (over 3 thousand totally) dominated by Depew Chen or to download parts of these modules, please contact Depew Chen. So far, Depew Chen has launched over 470 stages of HR management competence training classes and trained the trainees from over 2 thousand enterprises like AIA, Texwood, Henkel, Smith Kline &French, UF, Elec & Eltek, Luen Thai Group, Tian An Insurance, Chen Hsong Group, McDonald's, Yongda Optical Communication, Lotus supermarkets, high-security world, Hisense Group, Guangdong Global Broadband, Guangri Elevator, Dehuang Science and Technology. Now we have already cultivated more than 3 thousand of HR management talents in the post of HRE/ HRM/ HRD or above. 100 percent trainees could get breakthrough in career in a short time; 35% of these trainees have already worked for large-scale foreign enterprises and top 500 enterprises at home and abroad with a salary from 10000 to 25000 Yuan (please contact with Depew Chen to get the telephone numbers of the trainees). In the new year, Depew Chen will focus on cultivating and developing more strength HR management experts and training more HR management white collar and gold collar with the salary from 10000 to 30000 Yuan.
學員評價:Trainees’ evaluation
HRM勝任力培訓的工作模擬訓練給了我實戰能力的保證——Dicky Li—友邦保險
Goodcareer HRM-KCI training job sampling practice guarantees my strength competence—Dicky Li—AIA
When I finish the first modules of Goodcareer-Michigan: CPM-HR Training Series for foreign and joint ventures, I have a deeper feeling about the arrangement of class size within 12 trainees. Goodcareer HRM-KCI Training Series is not only equipped with firs-level strength experts but also the unique design and training methods especially its pointed job sampling design, case research and discussion, role-playing, experience share and strength training which are the assurance to gain professional skills.
Designing trainings course according to the characteristics of the trainees and having strong practical operation characteristics—Mr. Li—McDonald's
I am the 26-phase trainees of Goodcareer-Michigan: CPM-HR Training Series for foreign and joint ventures. Through 8 days of professional training and 4 months of job sampling, I have made a comprehensive and professional progress in HRM systematic knowledge, professional competence and operation skills. I also have made breakthrough in career bottleneck. Those make me promote and get higher salary. Now I decide to attend “CPM HRM-KCI Training Series” for foreign and joint venture enterprises. If let me summarize the characteristics of HRM-KCI training, I will say, it is so professional, comprehensive and modern!
Goodcareer is my good partner in career development—Mr. Xie—Anda Electronic Group
I am the 15-phase trainee of “CPM-HR Training Series” for foreign and joint ventures. Due to the training, my HRM competence improved comprehensively. In half a year, Goodcareer helps me promote from HR executives to managers with the salary increase from 6000 to 11000 Yuan. Goodcareer offers the trainees free advisory service in work problems and career development which is the great support for my successful work. Goodcareer, thanks very much!
專業、專注我體會到——Raymond Wong—美能達
Professional and dedicated I feel—Raymond Wong—Minolta
Over 8 days of structure-oriented HRM and HRD KCI training, I feel that Goodcareer is professional and dedicated! Attending this “CPM HRM-KCI Training Series” for foreign and joint venture enterprises” provides us with motivation and professional support in other stage of HR management career. Thank you, Goodcareer, for giving me this opportunity!
(學員經實際工作模擬測試合格后,獲頒發相應級別《培訓師專業技能發展勝任力訓練》證書 《TTT-KCI》)
培 訓 收 益
Training Benefits
企 業: 1,養成高素質和具競爭力的企業內部培訓師團隊,確保公司的培訓體系有效實施
Enterprise: Building up enterprise-internal trainer team with high quality and competitiveness to assure the effective implementation of company’s training system
Building up learning organization to enhance company’s profitcompetence, competitiveness and development capacity
受訓員工: 1,養成專業的職業培訓師所需的勝任力,提升個人績效和促進個人職業發展
Trainee: Building up the competence needed by professional trainers, improving self performance and promoting self career development
TTT-KCI課程特色Features of TTT-KCI Course TTT,英文短語Training the Trainer to Train的縮寫,意為培訓培訓師。一般情況下,它是通用企業管理培訓領域的職業培訓師、企業內訓師的職業技能和職業素質訓練課程,有時特指在某個專業領域內的專業技能培訓師的培訓技能訓練課程。
— 培訓師角色認知   
— 課程開發和講義設計
— 課堂講授
— 培訓評估
TTT is short for the English phrase “training the trainer to train”, meaning training trainer. It
is a professional skill and occupational quality training course of professional trainer and internal trainer of enterprise in the field of enterprise management training in general. Sometimes, it stands for skills training course of professional skills trainer in some professional fields.
In general, TTT training includes the following aspect:
Reorganization of trainer roles
Course development and handout design
Class coaching
Training evaluation
隨著國際、國內環境及商業環境的不斷變化,及企業培訓與發展體系要求的變化,學習型組織的不斷增多,培訓師的角色和職能以及培訓師的自我職業發展需求也在不斷發生變化!才博咨詢集團在首席顧問師和培問師陳建志導師帶領下,由才博咨詢集團專業培訓師與顧問師經過10多年的實踐應用,以不同級別培訓師勝任力為基礎,建立了一套基于培訓師能力結構模型開發的企業內部培訓師技能保障訓練體系(TTT-KCI)—Training the trainer to Train-Key Competence Indicator)(第3版)。
With the continuous change of international, domestic and business environment, and the change of requirements for enterprise’s training and development system, learning organization are increasing more and more, meanwhile, the role and the function of trainers as well as the requirements for trainers’ career development are continuously changing. Goodcareer, under the leadership of the chief consultant and trainer-Depew Chen, according to more than 10 years practical application of the professional trainers and consultants of Goodcareer Consulting Group , establishes-TTT-KCI- a supporting training system based on the trainers’ competence structure model with the foundation of different levels trainers’ competence.
訓練方法與技術Features of TTT-KCI Course 以各級培訓師勝任力要求為訓練目標,主要應用的訓練技術包括但不限于:行為示范、錄像對比、專題競賽、課堂演練、現場講授、小組演練、案例研討、角色扮演、工作模擬、技能測評與點評和課后實踐性練習等。
All-levels trainers’ competence requirement as the Training goal, the main applied training technology more than: behavior modeling, video contrast, special contest, practice in class, lecturing on-site, practicing by group, case study, role-playing, job sampling, skills testing and reviewing and practical practice after class and so on.
培訓時間Training Time 初級4天、中級4天、高級4天;共12天
4days for TTT-KCIb, 4days for TTT-KCIm, 4days for TTT-KCIh; 12 days in total
培訓地點 training location Goodcareer才博全球人力資源管理專家培訓中心(公開課),或企業內部培訓室(企業內訓)
Goodcareer human resources management experts Training Center(external training), or internal training room(internal training) in enterprise
培訓日期 Training Date 內訓時間按企業要求而定
Internal training date determined by company
培訓費用Training Costs 企業內訓:人民幣20,000元/班.1天;公開課:人民幣1,800元/人.1天。含才博訓練導師開發的培訓教材1套和培訓費。
Enterprise-internal training: RMB20, 000 Yuan per class for 1 day; external training: RMB1, 800 Yuan per person for 1 day, including training fee and training
適合人員Training Targets — 通用企業管理培訓領域的職業培訓師
Professional trainers in the field of enterprise management training
— 企業內部專職培訓講師
Enterprise-internal full-time trainers
— 專業培訓機構的管理人員和培訓課程負責人
Managers of professional training institution and person in charge of training course
— 企業內部培訓體系規劃、內訓師管理和內訓課程開發人員
Personnel of planning Enterprise-internal training system, managing internal trainers and developing internal courses
— 企業內部的HR經理、培訓主管
Enterprise-internal HR managers and training supervisor
— 以兼職培訓師身份參與企業內部培訓的企業中層干部、業務骨干
Middle-level cadres and business elites of enterprise participating in enterprise-internal training as part-time trainers
— 企業內部各級管理人員
Internal managers at all levels in enterprise
Course Modules
4 days, 28 hours 模塊一:培訓概述 (3.5小時)
Module 1: training overview(3.5 hours)
模塊二:培訓項目的開發與實施 (7小時)
Module 2:development and implementation of training projects(7 hours)
Module 3: speech communicating arts(7 hours)
Module 4: evaluation of training effect(3.5 hours)
Module 5: competence of making PPT(3.5 hours)
Module 6: subject addressing and evaluating (3.5 hours)
課程模塊Course modules
4 days, 28 hours 模塊一:培訓與培訓心理學基礎(3.5小時)
Module 1: basis of training and training psychology(3.5 hours)
Module 2: development and implementation of professional course(7 hours)
Module 3: training methods and technology(7 hours)
Module 4: training needs and training objectives(3.5 hours)
Module 5: writing and applying training materials(3.5 hours)
Module 6: subject training and evaluation (3.5 hours)
Course modules
4 days, 28 hours 模塊一:培訓理論(3.5小時)
Module 1: training theories(3.5 hours)
Module 2: training system and training resource management in enterprise(3 hours)
模塊三:培訓課程專業訓練技能 (3.5小時)
Module 3: training course professionally training skills(3.5 hours)
模塊四:技能培訓課程DACUM(Developing a Curriculum)的開發與能力課程CBET(Competency based Education and Training)開發(7小時)
Module 4: developing DACUM for skills training and developing CBET course for competence
Module 5: trainer professionally develops(3.5 hours)
Module 6: professional subject addressing and evaluating
學員福利student’s welfare 1. 獲頒發由才博訓練導師簽名的相應級別的《培訓師專業技能發展勝任力訓練》證書 《TTT-KCI》
Obtaining the corresponding level certificate of TTT-KCI signed by coodcareer’s training coacher
2. 成為Goodcareer 終身會員,享受會員的“十大收益”(詳情請登閱本公司網站)
Becoming Goodcareer lifelong member and enjoy the “10 Benefits”(Please visit our website to get the details)
3. 免費成為本公司<<HR Party>>會員
Becoming member of Goodcareer HR Party freely
4. 9折參加Goodcareer年度《人力資源管理論壇》
Getting 10% discount for Goodcareer annual Human Resources Management Forum
Training course arrangement
(初級)TTTB 第一天the first day、第二天the second day
3.5小時 3.5 hours 7小時 7 hours
Module 1: training overview
Opening speech
Training overview
Definition of training
What is training
The relation between training and related activities
 培訓與人力資源開發
Training and HR development
 培訓與教育
Training and education
Training department and trainer’s responsibility
Sharing experience: training and self-development
Training department’s responsibilities
Trainer’s responsibilities
Competence which trainers should possess
Action practice: trainer’ s quality
Case study: manager and trainer
Testing and evaluating training results
Job sampling and practice
Applied practice
—Q&A 模塊二:培訓項目的開發與實施
Module 2:development and implementation of training projects
Case study: who should be responsible for ineffective training
Self-evaluation testing: my competence of developing training project
Confirming training needs
Concept of training needs
Confirming the importance of training needs
source of the needs information
Common tools for needs survey
 問卷調查法(設計需求調查問卷)
Questionnaire method(designing needs questionnaire)
 訪談法(設計訪談提綱)
Interview method(designing outline of interview )
 觀察法
Observation method
Confirmation and important notice of needs
Sharing experience: needs survey of quality training
Developing and implementing training projects
Drawing up training plans
 要點
Key points
 注意事項
Importance notice
Selecting and writing learning content
 選編原則
Principles of selecting and writing
 內容來源
Content source
Empirical practice: developing course of effective communicating arts and skills
Technology of making multimedia courseware
Marketing of training projects
Management process of training class
Testing and evaluating training effect 1
Practice: preparing checking list for opening training class
Job sampling: interview form and interview
Practical practice1: observation
Action model2: key points of course
Practical practice3: what can I do?
Testing and evaluating training
After-school Practice : application
Promoting practice
Action after class: action plan and trace
第二天the second day、第三天the third day
7小時 7 hours 3.5小時 3.5 hours
Module 3: speech communicating arts
Watching video
Testing self-speech competence
Trainer’s speech arts
Grooming requirements for training presenter
Pronunciation training for training presenter
Basic requirements of speech
Methods of questioning
Methods for course opening and conclusion
Action model: addressing arts
Trainer’s communicating arts
Classification of student’s and disposing arts and skills
Student’s incentive arts and skills
Disposing and controlling class
Trainer’s style type
Results testing: student’s communicating competence
Action testing: how to improve self addressing and communicating arts
Role-playing: if I were the teacher
Case study: Zhang Chenggong’s address
Role-playing: I am the audience
Video contrast
Results testing and evaluating
Enhancing thinking and discussing: practical and applied problems
Designated topic practice
Practical action plan: effectively know and control your stress
—Q&A 模塊四:培訓效果的評估
Module 4: evaluation of training effect
Case study: coacher Ma’s training effect evaluation
Training effect evaluating
Objectives of evaluation
Principles of evaluation
Four-level evaluation models and tools
Reactivity evaluation
Learning results evaluation
Application evaluation
Performance evaluation
Evaluation and analysis of training effect
Design of evaluation form of trainer’s training effect
Analysis report on the evaluation results of trainer’s training effect
Results testing
Action testing: improving self-training competence
role-playing: time management
Empirical practice: design of evaluation form
Role-playing: my evaluation
Results testing and evaluating
Strengthening practice: how to evaluate this training
Practical action plan: training evaluation process
第四天 the fourth day
3.5小時3.5 hours 3.5小時 3.5hours
Module 5: competence of making PPT
Watching video
Self-testing : my competence of making PPT
Arts and skills of making PPT
Job sampling: making and guiding course PPT
Empirical practice 1: source material and training objective
Empirical practice 2: display of source material
Empirical practice 3: arts and skills of displaying PPT
Action displaying: my PPT
Summary and evaluation
After-school practice
Enhancing after-school training arrangement
Practical action: planning you PPT
—Q&A 模塊六:主題演講與評價
Module 6: subject addressing and evaluating
Watching video and reviewing
Self-testing: my professional address level
Trainer’s behavior showing as a model
Practical action plan: successful addressing arts and skills
Job sampling: group address and evaluation
Role-playing: trainers and trainees
Empirical practice: designing the group’s subject and addressing
Video contrast
Summary, evaluation and improvement
Enhancing after-school training arrangement
Practical action: my improvement and action
training course arrangement
(中級)TTTM 第一天the first day、第二天 the second day
3.5小時 3.5 hours 7小時 7 hours
Module 1: basis of training and training psychology
Watching video
The mechanism of adult learning
Conception of learning
Physiology basis of brain for learning
Process of learning
Features of adult learning
Style of adult learning
Question discussing: your evaluation
The inspiration of learning theory to training
Learning theory of behaviorism
Learning theory of cognitivism
Theory of humanism
Learning theory of experience
Case study: effectiveness of training methods
Learning results testing
Question discussing: adult learning and students at school
Arts and skills training 1: behavior training
Arts and skills training 2: cognition training
Arts and skills training 3: experience learning
Training results testing
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
—Q&A 模塊二:專業課程的開發與實施
Module 2: development and implementation of professional course
Case study: a lesson of coacher Zhang
Self-testing: my skills of developing professional course
The types of professional course
Process of developing professional course
Sharing practical experience: courses developed by coacher Chen
Practical practice by group: effective communicating arts and skills
Learning results testing
Job sampling: process of implementing professional course
Experience showing as a model: checking list for implementing professional course
Arts and skills training: SWOT analysis
Arts and skills training 2: framework of course and training skills
Video contrast
Training results testing
Practice by group after class
Self job sampling after class
Practical action plan
第二天 the second day、第三天 the third day
7小時 7 hours 3.5小時 3.5 hours
Module 3: training methods and technology(7 hours)
Watching video
Self-training skills testing
Training methods
Characteristics and application of address
Characteristics and application of case study
Characteristics and application of behavior modeling
Characteristics and application of discussion by group
Characteristics and application of playing games
Characteristics and application of outward-bound
Characteristics and application of various technological training methods(simulation method, on-the-job training, master teaches apprentice and so on)
Principles of selecting from various learning methods
Methods of teaching with practicality, simulation with proficiently applying skills teaching, on-the-job training, situational teaching and so on.
Trainer’s behavior showing as a model
Modern training skills
Methods of making multimedia courseware
Common knowledge of using multimedia training equipment
Combining various vocational skills training methods and advanced supporting equipment for training to improve the training effect of vocational skills
Supporting software which is widely used mow in Vocational sills training
Combining the practicality of skills training to develop situational training courseware of vocational skills
Video contrast
Special contest: games design
Testing learning results and reviewing
Job sampling: behavior showing as a model
Arts and skills 1: competition of case design
Arts and skills training 2: competence of combining training technology
Training results testing
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
—Q&A 模塊四:培訓需求與培訓目標
Module 4: training needs and training objectives(3.5 hours)
Case study: training needs and training opportunity
Self-skills testing: do you understand subordinates’ training needs
Confirming training needs
Meaning of training
Physiology basis of brain for training
Characteristics of adult training
Practice of analyzing training needs: staff’s learning motivation
Methods of analyzing enterprise’s training needs
Surveying and analyzing training needs from three levels
The level of enterprise
The level of enterprise
The level of staff
Training needs’ diagnose and analysis
Setting up training objectives
Design of training objectives
Meaning and function of training objectives
Types of training objectives
Requirement of training objectives
Experience showing as a model: designing framework form for training objectives
Testing learning results and reviewing
Job sampling: if I were the internal trainer of this company
Arts and skills training 1: Staff Training Incentive
Arts and skills 2: analyzing training needs from staff’s performance result
Testing training results
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
第四天 the fourth day
3.5小時 3.5 hours 3.5小時 3.5 hours
Module 5: writing and applying training materials(3.5 hours)
Self-skills testing: my competence of writing training course
Writing materials of training course
Writing outline of training course
Writing class hour plan
Writing training manual
Model: outline of coacher Ma’s training course
Testing learning results and reviewing
Skills training 1: methods of collecting training materials
Skills training 2: collation of training materials
Skills training : practice of writing training outline
Testing the training results
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
—Q&A 模塊六:主題培訓與評價
Module 6: subject training and evaluation (3.5 hours)
— 專業培訓錄像觀摩與點評
Watching professional training video and commenting on it
Self-testing: the level of my professional subject teaching
Trainer’s behavior showing as a model
Practical action plan: application of successful training skills
Job sampling: group subject training practice and evaluation
Role-playing: training methods and training effects
Empirical practice: collective and individual composition
Summary, evaluation and improvement
Enhancing training arrangement after class
Practical action: practice for successful trainer
training course arrangement
(高級)TTTH 第一天 the first day
3.5小時 3.5 hours 3.5小時 3.5 hours
Module 1: training theories(3.5 hours)

Case study: learning organization and lifelong learning
Self-status testing:
Human capital theory
Basic viewpoints of human capital theory
Human capital and training investment
Human resources management theory
Function of enterprise HR management
Main contents of HR management
Relation between HR management and training
Lifelong learning theory
Social trend of lifelong learning
Important viewpoints of lifelong learning
Lifelong learning and training
Learning results testing and reviewing
Behavior sampling: becoming a fruitful learning facilitator
Example training 1: learning and training plan
Sharing experience: annual training plan
Skills training 2: analysis of return on training investment
Training results testing
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
—Q&A 模塊二:企業的培訓體系與培訓資源管理
Module 2: training system and training resource management in enterprise(3 hours)
Special contest: application of training resource
Self-status testing: my understanding of the status of training system
Training system and policy in enterprise
Classified by training targets
Classified by training contents
Classified by training forms
Formation of organizational internal and social training system
Multimedia remote training system
Development of modern multimedia distance education
—E-learning 的特點
Features of E-learning
Models of training development and implementation
Systematic training model
Competence-based training model
Use of training expenditure
Relevant regulations of use of expenditure
Common training expenditure project and the budget
Sharing experience: training system for business partner
Management of training venues and equipment
Brief introduction to modern training facility and equipment
Use and maintenance of common training equipment
Use and maintenance of ordinary overhead projector
Connection and use of audio/ computer and other electronic equipment
Connection, use and maintenance
Behavior showing as a model: use of equipment
Special contest: overall training arrangement
Providing training advisory
Theories of modern training consulting
Methods of modern training consulting
Learning results testing and reviewing
Behavior sampling: arrangement for training period
Example training 1:design checking list for training
Skills training 2: E-learning
Training results testing
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
第二天 the second day、第三天 the third day
3.5小時 3.5 hours 7小時 seven hours
Module 3: training course professionally training skills(3.5 hours)
Watching video
Self-status testing: 5 minutes’ role-playing
Review and improvement
Practice by group:
Role-playing: training practice
Learning results testing and reviewing
Behavior sampling: becoming an excellent conflict solver
Example training 1: inventory of professional skills in training
Role-playing: the most excellent training skills of mine
Skills training 2: personalized summary
Summative evaluation
Video contrast
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
—Q&A 模塊四:技能培訓課程的DACUM(Developing a Curriculum) 開發與能力課程CBET(Competency based Education and Training) 開發
Module 4: developing DACUM for skills training and developing CBET course for competence
Case study: course for competence to course for skills
Self-status testing: my skills of developing training course
Developing DACUM for skills training
Theories and methods of developing DACUM for skills training
Theory of competence-based CBET, course developing and training design
Independently presiding the development of DACUM course for skills training
Watching video: competence of skills training
Learning results testing and reviewing
Example training 1: developing DACUM course
Skills training 2: developing CBET course
Training results testing
After-school problem practicing and testing
After-school job sampling
Practical action plan
第三天 the third day、第四天 the fourth day
3.5小時 3.5 hours 7小時 7 hours
Module 5: trainer professionally develops(3.5 hours)
Self-status testing: career aspiration
Career development of self
Basis of career planning
Questionnaire of career planning
Suggestions for career planning of self
Trainer’s role and the requirement for trainer’s competence
Lecturer’s and Trainer’s roles and development(learning facilitator, supporter and helper)
Lecturer’s and trainer’s professional competence requirement and its development
Professional organization in training field
Professional organization recognized at home and abroad
Certificate of trainer profession qualification
Sources of professional information in training
Professional books on training
Professional journals on training
Common professional websites on training
Learning results testing and reviewing
Behavior sampling: becoming an excellent trainer
Example training 1:
Skills training 2: requirement of professional competence for trainer
Summative evaluation
After-school problems practicing
After-school job sampling
Watching video
Practical action plan: how to become a professional trainer
—Q&A 模塊六:專業主題演講與評價
Module 6: professional subject addressing and evaluating
Displaying of personalized subject training
Review and improvement
Personal SWOT analysis
Features of personalized training
Features developed by personalized training technology
— 專業培訓錄像觀摩與點評
Watching professional training video and reviewing
coacher’s summative model
Practical action plan: developing arts and skills of personalized training
Job sampling: practicing arts and skills of humanized training
Empirical practice: setting up group subject personalized training
Summary, evaluation and improvement
Enhancing training arrangement after class
Practical action: practicing successful trainer
Graduation video
Graduation forum: avenue to stars for trainers
首席培訓導師簡介Brief introduction to chief training coacher 陳建志導師(Depew Chen):資深實戰型戰略實施咨詢、人力資源管理咨詢和培訓專家;人力資源碩士、心理學博士。20多年大型外資、合資、國營和民營企業人力資源高層管理職位工作經歷。曾任亞加達國際商務教育培訓中心人力資源培訓導師。現任新世紀人力資源管理學會會長;知名培訓品牌:才博——密斯根:外資合資企業HR經理/總監勝任力特訓營首席設計師和首席培訓導師;美國認證協會(ACI)授權導師,美國ACI:國際職業資格注冊HR經理、執行官認認證廣州區首席培訓導師;GEPMS(全球企業績效電子管理系統)首席設計師和顧問師;才博咨詢集團戰略和人力資源首席顧問。
Depew Chen, senior strength strategy implementation consult, HR management consulting and training expert; Master of HR, Doctor of Psychology. 20 years of working experience as HRD or above in large-scale foreign, joint ventures, state-owned and private enterprises. Mr. Chen has been the HR training coacher of Alcanta International Business Education Training Center. Currently, he is the President of New Century HR Management Association(pure academic non-profit professional Organization); Chief designer and chief training tutor of the well-known training brand—Goodcareer-Michigan: CPM-HR Training Series; Authorized coacher of American Certification Institution (ACI); Senior training coacher of International Professional Qualification Registered HR Management Series Certification issued by American Certification Institution (ACI)in Guangzhou area; Chief designer and consultant of GEPMS(Global Electronic Performance Management System); Chief strategy and HR consultant of Goodcareer Consulting Group.
Depew Chen has been kept focusing on human resources management theory research for a long term. By combining 20 years of human resources management experience with international modern human resources management theory, Mr. Chen has established strength HR management training courses series with HR management competence as training goal. He has been a well-known strength strategy implementation expert、HR management expert、HR training expert, HR project service expert and leading HR issue researcher. The strength HR training courses are: CPM—HR series (external training series) designed according to competence structure of HR management manager level or above—a total of 8- level series training courses and 128 professional modules. PHR series(external training series) designed according to HR management expert-level competence structure —4-level series of training courses, a total of 24 professional modules; MHR series(internal training series);Non-HR Managers’ HR management competence training courses— a total of four-level and 26 modules in accordance with enterprise middle and high-level management person competence structural design.
想了解更多由陳導師主導設計的實戰型人力資源管理勝任力培訓課程模塊(共3千多個)或下載部份課程模塊請與陳導師聯系。到目前為止,陳建志導師在全國已開辦了人力資源管理勝任力系列訓練班470多期;現已接受了陳導師培訓的學員來自:友邦、德士活、漢高、中美史克、用友、亨氏集團、頂新控股、中國電信、依利安達、聯泰集團、溢達集團、天安保險、柯尼卡、正大康地、震雄集團、奧林巴斯、麥當勞、永大光通信、易初蓮花超市、保世高、海信集團、廣東環球寬帶、廣日電梯、得煌科技……等二千多家企業,全國培育和發展了三千多名人力資源主管/經理/總監級或以上職位的人力資源管理專才。100%的學員在短期內實現有個人職業的突破性發展;其中35%的學員已進入了大型外資企業和國內外500強企業,月薪為人8000—25000元(如要索取學員聯系電話請與陳導師聯系)。 在新的一年陳導師將會更廣泛地專注于培育和發展更多實戰型人力資源管理專家的工作,造就更多具備月薪10000元至30000元能力的人力資源管理白領/金領一族……
To know more strength HR management competence training course modules (over 3 thousand totally) dominated by Depew Chen or to download parts of these modules, please contact Depew Chen. So far, Depew Chen has launched over 470 stages of HR management competence training classes and trained the trainees from over 2 thousand enterprises like AIA, Texwood, Henkel, Smith Kline &French, UF, Elec & Eltek, Luen Thai Group, Tian An Insurance, Chen Hsong Group, McDonald's, Yongda Optical Communication, Lotus supermarkets, high-security world, Hisense Group, Guangdong Global Broadband, Guangri Elevator, Dehuang Science and Technology. Now we have already cultivated more than 3 thousand of HR management talents in the post of HRE/ HRM/ HRD or above. 100 percent trainees could get breakthrough in career in a short time; 35% of these trainees have already worked for large-scale foreign enterprises and top 500 enterprises at home and abroad with a salary from 10000 to 25000 Yuan (please contact with Depew Chen to get the telephone numbers of the trainees). In the new year, Depew Chen will focus on cultivating and developing more strength HR management experts and training more HR management white collar and gold collar with the salary from 10000 to 30000 Yuan.

  • 微信:13857108608